Saturday, 24 May 2014

JOHN 3:16

Hey guys. So my friend Jessie asked me to do a design for her on one of her old plain white vests and this is what I came up with. I usually draw in a messy/scribbly style and it has started to come through in some of my tops (more posts to come). I particularly like the way this came out. My personal critique is that the text could have been a bit smaller but the message it brings across is far more important than how it looks. I thought this content would be appropriate because Jessie's life expresses God's love for the world. She is one of the kindest, most loving and considerate people I know.

In the actual painting of the shirt I used a soft pencil (6B) to sketch roughly what I wanted the design to look like and then went at it with a fabric paint pen. It is kinda like a tube of paint with a pen-like nozzle which when you squeeze it allows the paint to come out thinly (like a pen) and thus achieve the scribbly drawing effect.

This is the only picture I have at the moment but I will soon edit this post with a picture of her with the shirt on.


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